In that case, they would need to win two successive points to win the game. If a player wins the next point when they are on 40, they score 1 game – but only if their opponent is not on 40 too. In brief, within each game scores increase from 0 to 15 to 30 to 40 as points are won.

So how do we read the scores in a tennis match? Whatever the real reason is, the quirky and archaic scoring system seems to be here to stay. Some have suggested that the scores represent positions on a clock face, whilst others believe that they represent how far you were allowed to move forward into the court when serving in a precursor of the modern game. There is a lot of debate as to the origin of the tennis scoring system. In tennis, whilst all points are in truth worth the same, they are not represented by the addition of a consistent number to the scoreboard. In most racquet sports, one point is awarded when a rally is won. In almost every other sport there is a consistent number of points awarded for a particular method of scoring. Tennis match statistical layouts and projections Personal meeting history and tournament grid Betting with bookies in real time are always easier with someone who is not familiar with the game, the scoring system used in tennis must seem very strange.The odds for online matches alter throughout the match, allowing you to place your winning bet at the most appropriate time To the table with bookmaker ratings and quotes for each match of the gaming day.A list of "duels" in various countries and championships, along with the current set number and game score Regarding the outcomes of today's matches.A change in the score of the selected match online will be communicated via pop-up windows, and selected events will be displayed in a separate block on the left side of the page Bookmarks featuring your favorite players and tournaments.When the slider is set to live mode, Scores24.live gives you access to: At the same time, there is a facility for viewing the outcomes of live matches. Scores24.live is a large collection of thousands of events from 10 of the most popular sports in the world.